contact: Gabriela Galej-Mularz, MA: tel. 17 872-13-83, wypmiedz [at]
The Rzeszów University Central Library can order books (as well as photocopies of articles), which are not available in our stock or in any Rzeszów libraries, for the needs of research of students, PhD students and staff members of Rzeszów University, from domestic and foreign libraries, under the scheme for interlibrary loans.
Requests for materials are accepted ONLY via the OPAC/INTEGRO catalog and activated facility of Interlibrary Loans.
- have an active library account
- fill in electronic form
The Interlibrary Loan account in the OPAC/INTEGRO catalog provides:
- placing your requests for books and periodical articles from domestic and foreign libraries
- following the implementation process
- receiving messages on the implementation status
- having insight into fees charged for requested materials
The instructions of activating your account and ordering documents in the Interlibrary Loan Service of Rzeszów University
According to the UR Rector’s order No 6/2017 of February the 1st 2017, the ordering party shall bear the costs of sending back the requested books and making the photocopies of documents - see price list
In case of financing the orders from funds other than own funds, placed in the Interlibrary Loan Service, students or staff members of Rzeszów University are required to write an application letter to the Interlibrary Loan specialist (Room No 111) before placing the order. The letter should indicate the source (and the amount) of financing, and should be signed by the Dean of the Faculty, the Director of the Institute as well as by a financial and accounting specialist, and in case of financing from research project resources – by the project manager.
Fees are paid at the counter “Library cards” in the Lending Room. Ordered books can be read only in the Periodicals Reading Room. Electronic documents are posted by email on paying the given fees, only to addresses in the domains, or
In case of scanning you can also make the payment to the bank account:
Bank PEKAO S.A., account number: 90 1240 2614 1111 0000 3970 2135 with a note: Payment for the materials from the Interlibrary Loan Service of Rzeszów University
Implementation details of interlibrary requests are specified in the Regulations.
International interlibrary requests are fulfilled for example under the IFLA Voucher Scheme as well as SUBITO System - see price list