Our collection comprises about 755 thousand books, over 103 thousand periodicals and about 23 thousand items of special collection. We subscribe to about 50 foreign scientific magazines.

Our book collection covers various fields, e.g.

  • social studies (pedagogy, history, sociology, philosophy, political science),
  • philological studies (Polish, Russian, German and English studies),
  • mathematical and natural science (mathematics, technology, information science, biology, biotechnology, environmental protection)
  • agriculture,
  • law and administration,
  • economics,
  • medicine (nursing, obstetrics, physiotherapy)
  • sport and physical culture
  • fine arts (music, art).

We are proud of our special collection which comprises 22 thousand of inventory units, among other things are following valuable works : Jan Botter Relatiy powszechnych (1609), Marcin Kromer De origine et rebus gestis polonarum libri XXX (Bazylea, 1555) and Constitucie Statua y przywileie, na walnych seymiech koronnych od roku pańskiego aż do roku 1625 uchwalone as well as Postilla Katholicka mniejsza... przez Iakuba Wuyka (1596) and many predications of famous writers: Szymon Wysocki (1593), Piotr Skarga (1604), Andrzej Grącki (1614). In the Special Collections Reading Room there are accesible many valuable works from 19th century regarded to Galicia: culture, education and history.


In the Library of Rzeszow University there is also book collection from Martial Arts science and we cooperate with International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific SocietyLook at the list of books