The basic library catalog informing about the book collection of the Rzeszów University Central Library is the OPAC/INTEGRO computer catalog which contains information about all the collection gathered in Rzeszów University Central Library.


The catalog is available online at and from library terminals. Links to the catalog are also available on the Library’s website.


The process of ordering a book consists of several steps:

  • Searching for a book using indexes: by all fields, author, title, subject (tab: Library catalog) or search by reference number/inventory (tab: Item). It is possible to narrow down the search area, e.g. due to the type of document searched (book, periodical, electronic document, etc.), year of publication, author, subject, language, country, location (Library department), internal classification.
  • Checking the availability of the selected item (option: Check the status).
  • Logging into the system using the Account icon, in the upper right corner of the screen, and selecting the Log in option.
  • Depending on the status of the book – ordering it to be borrowed (in option: Request) or for use on site in the reading room.
  • Selecting the place of delivery of the ordered document.
  • Going to the order basket.
  • Sending the order.
  • Logging out of the system.

Note! You can follow the ordering process all the time (option: user account – Requested items). It is recommended to supplement personal data (in the system) with an e-mail address. This will enable the system to communicate with the reader automatically.
The communication with the reader via e-mail takes place in the following areas:

  • sending information about the upcoming return date of the book,
  • sending information about the completed order: the book to be picked up at the lending library or for use on site in the reading room,
  • sending information about the completed booking and the possibility of ordering the book – the order must be placed within 7 days.

The document location marks used in the catalog:

Documents to be borrowed
  • reference number
  • location (informs which of the departments the document is in)
  • service departments
  • status and availability
Documents to be made available on site
(If the book is available in the reading rooms, it does not need to be ordered. The reference number indicates the given reading room and the location of the on the shelf.)
  • reference number
  • location (informs which of the departments the document is in)
  • service departments
  • status and availability

The book/journal location marks used in the catalog at the reference numbers:

 wyp.Lending Roomcomputer ordering and lending books home
 Ewyp.Lending Roomcomputer ordering and lending books home
Pwyp.Lending Roomcomputer ordering and lending books home
I czScience Reading Roomfree access
II czHumanities Reading Roomfree access
Stockroomcomputer-ordered books for the reading room and made available on site only
inf.Scientific Informationfree access
 Pig."Pigonianum" Reading Roombooks made available on site only
Reading Room for Speciall Collectionsbooks made available on site only



Reading Room of Scientific Journals

traditional slips in Journals the Reading Room, 1st floor, Rzeszów University Central Library

Reading Room Campus Zalesie

EczReading Room Campus Zalesiecomputer order


To check the location of a book in the given reading room you should see the description of the books (with the following remarks next to catalogue numbers: inf., I cz, II cz, Pig., ZS

Since 2008, new rules for transliterating Cyrillic characters into Latin characters have been used in the computer catalog of Rzeszów University Central Library (based on: PN-ISO 9:2000 Transliteration of Cyrillic Characters into Latin Characters. Slavic and non-Slavic Languages). Thus, the way some letters are realized changes. Please pay attention to these changes when searching the computer catalog.

Detailed information on the rules of using the OPAC/INTEGRO catalog.