How to register for the University Library?
To register for the University Library, you have to appear in person at the library building, at 8 Stanislaw Pigon Street, with your identity card, credit book as well as student ID card, and you have to get your electronic library card or activate electronic studens ID. The post where library cards are issued (in the Lending Room) is open every day from 8:00 to 18:00, and on Saturdays from 8:00 till 15:00.
How to register for the University Library through the Internet?
To register to Library you have to come in person with your identity card and credit book (students) or job certificate (Rzeszów University staff) and fill it the appropriate form. It is impossible to do this by Internet.
How to extend the time of returning the books I have borrowed?
The extention can be done by yourself through the OPAC catalogue or directly - by the librarian. The extention is possible when the given book is not reserved by another reader and when all the obligations to the University Library have been fulfilled.
Can I use the library collection if I am neither a student nor a member of the Univeristy staff ?
Yes, but only on the spot, without a chance of borrowing books home. The document entitling to use the reading room is the electronic library card.
Can I borrow books home if I am a student of Rzeszów University of Technology?
Yes. The students and staff of Rzeszów University of Technology can use both the reading rooms and lending library. The only condition for using the library collection is getting the library card.
Can I use the library collection if I am a student of a private college in Rzeszów?
Yes, but only on the spot, without a chance of borrowing books home. The document entitling to use the reading room is the elctronic library card.
How long do I have to wait to collect books from the lending library or the reading room once I have placed the order?
The order processing lasts about 30 minutes. And the books that have been ordered wait for the reader for 3 working days.
How many books and for how long can I borrow as a student of Rzeszów University?
You can borrow 10 volumes for 13 weeks.
How to get the password for my own library record?
The reader gets his password in person while his library card is being issued. It is recommended that every reader should change the password to a secret one, known only to himself, as a secret password. You can change the password in your User account -> Change personal details -> Password.
How to check my library record?
You should log into the catalogue typing your library account ID (the number is placed next to the photo above the bar code) as well as the password, and then select the link to the right of ID XXXXX -> Account
What shall I do if I have forgotten my password?
>You should come personally to the library (Lending Room) for new password or use option Forgot your password?
How to search for literature on the given subject?
You should begin your search from scrolling the computer catalogue by subject entry. If you know the author or the title of the book, you search for them either by person or by title. If your search is of no effect, you can search the card catalogue, that registers older publications (the catalogue is in the main hall of the library building), or you can go to the Scientific Information Department, which helps in every bibliographic search.
How to check the location of a book in the given reading room?
In the description of the books to be read on the spot (with the following remarks next to catalogue numbers: inf., I cz, II cz, Pig., ZS) the is a sign of location (sygnatura).
How to order the given periodicals?
You can read scientific magazines only on the spot, in the reading room. The computer catalogue does register all the periodicals. To read a magazine, you should fill in the traditional call slip and give it to the librarian on duty.
Can I make a reservation of a book which was borrowed by another reader?
Yes. You should use the option book and suggest the expiry date of your reservation. Then, you will get e-mail that your reserved book has been returned already.
Can I use BA/BSc theses and MA/MSc theses published in Rzeszów University?
No, because the library does not collect such theses. They are stored in the Archives.
What should I do if I lost my library card?
You schould report this fact to the Lending Library as soon as possible in order to block the reader's account. Then you can get a duplicate card. See the Pricelist.
Can books ordered from my library account be picked up for me by someone else?
Yes. The person must be authorized in advance by electronic means to collect the books. To do this, log in to your account, then enter THE USER ACCOUNT and expand THE DATA CHANGE tab. In the item AUTHORIZED PERSONS, enter your password and confirm it. A form will appear on the page where you must enter the data of the authorized person and save it.
The person indicated in this way may collect the books after showing their ID card.