The Library of Rzeszów University is the largest humanistic library (with the collection of universal character) in south-eastern Poland.

Our collection comprises over 774 thousand books, 105 thousand periodicals and about 23 thousand items of special collection. We subscribe to 50 foreign scientific magazines.

Our book collection covers various fields, e.g. social studies (pedagogy, history, sociology, philosophy, political science), philological studies (Polish, Russian, German and English studies), mathematical and natural science (mathematics, technology, information science, biology, biotechnology, environmental protection), agriculture, law and administration, economics, medicine (nursing, obstetrics, physiotherapy) as well as fine arts (music, art).

We are trying to transform our library into a professional, informational and educational centre supporting educational, cultural and artistic growth in the academic community of Rzeszów University as well as in the whole region.

And we do hope that our efforts are already producing results...