BURLibrary of Rzeszow University
prof. Stanislaw Pigon Street 8
35-959 Rzeszow
+48 17 / 872-13-61
biblio [at] ur.edu.pl
NIP 813-32-38-822

bank account: Bank PEKAO S.A.
90 1240 2614 1111 0000 3970 2135


mgr Dominik Ziobro
+48 17 / 872-13-70dziobro [at] ur.edu.pl
Deputy Director 
mgr Zofia Polak
+48 17 / 872-14-16zpolak [at] ur.edu.pl
+48 17 / 872-13-61sekrbg [at] ur.edu.pl
Lending Room
+48 17 / 872-13-64wypbur [at] ur.edu.pl
Interlibrary Lending Room 
+48 17 / 872-13-83wypmiedz [at] ur.edu.pl
Scientific Information Department
+48 17 / 872-13-77inform [at] ur.edu.pl
gg: 1439932
Arts and Law Reading Room
+48 17 / 872-13-76czythum [at] ur.edu.pl
Mathematical and Natural Science Reading Room
+48 17 / 872-13-75czytmat [at] ur.edu.pl
Scientific Periodicals Reading Room
+48 17 / 872-13-79czytczas [at] ur.edu.pl
Special Collections Reading Room
+48 17 / 872-13-62zbspec [at] ur.edu.pl
+48 17 / 872-13-81pigon [at] ur.edu.pl
Acquisition and Cataloging Section
+48 17 / 872-14-16grombur [at] ur.edu.pl
Academical Cooperation Specialist
dr Zenona Krupa
+48 17 / 872-13-72zkrupa [at] ur.edu.pl
Systems librarian
mgr Anna Buszta
+48 17 / 872-10-39abuszta [at] ur.edu.pl
Computerization Department
+48 17 / 872-13-87
+48 17 / 872-13-67
sysinfbur [at] ur.edu.pl
Digitalization Department
+48 17 / 872-13-83digital [at] ur.edu.pl
Reading Room Campus Zalesie
Rzeszow, Zelwerowicza 4

+48 17 / 785-51-27,

+48 17 / 785-51-09

bibeko [at] ur.edu.pl
Reading Room of Music
Rzeszow, Dabrowskiego 3
+48 17 / 872-28-04muzbibl [at] ur.edu.pl
Library web
mgr Małgorzata Szurlej
+48 17 / 872-13-77mszurlej [at] ur.edu.pl


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